The exclusive and unprecedented plush ElePHPant from Brazil
I drew and created the mascot elephpant in 1998 on an autumn night.
Since then, elePHPant has made its own way.
It is known and distributed in over 78 countries worldwide. What beautiful memories I still have of these pioneering years. I am so happy to have known this era when the two words "free" and "sharing" made sense in the PHP community.
And to pay tribute to these years of foundation I decided to exceptionally offer the value of my copyrights to Cyrille GRANDVAL for the launch of his special elePHPant from Brazil. This small, punctual gesture, hopefully, will allow your next event to be a real success! Thanks to Cyrille for embodying today the values that have made the success of PHP: Mutual support, solidarity and kindness. Long Live!
Transportation of participants residing in the interior of the state of Ceará and do not have financial means to get to the capital.
An entirely free and exclusive PHP course for women who are starting their IT career, thus fostering their participation in the event.
Assist in lowering the price of tickets, making them more accessible.
Help the event to be better than it already is, help the event become more and more comprehensive. Adopt an ElePHPant # DarkmiraTour / PHP Brazil right now.