There will be 3 days of much networking with PHP communities, many discoveries, lots of interaction, a sharing party.

400 participants

During the event 400 developers from various locations in Brazil and even the world gathered to become better known in one of the biggest events of PHP in Latin America

+32 Talks

Come to know how the innovations of the PHP ecosystem, Good Practices, Tools and Technologies with more than 30 lectures and more than 26 relevant knowledge.

3 days

During 3 days we will have activities that go beyond the auditoriums: high level lectures, workshops, coffee breaks, panels, lectures, sponsor stands, community of communities, good music and much more.

4 coffee breaks

Activities that go beyond the auditoriums: In addition to lectures we will have moments of Coffee breaks, panels, keynotes, sponsor Stands, community space, good music and much more.

Make the Darkmira Tour PHP 2020 happen

Contribute, do your part and be fundamental to the growth of the PHP market in Brazil and make his brand be remembered as who made the Darkmira Tour PHP be what it is.

Our Sponsors

The partnership is strong, the support is sensational. Thanks to our sponsors for helping us make this event possible.

Gold Sponsors



Blackfire.io empowers PHP developers to continuously verify and improve their app’s performance in development, testing, staging and production. It makes it possible to drill down to function/method call level to understand and fix performance bottlenecks. Its wide variety of automation options makes it a breathe to add it to a development and testing workflow.

The Blackfire Player, a powerful Open Source Web Crawling, Web Tester, and Web Scraper enables teams to setup a fully automated testing pipeline.

Silver Sponsors



Capyweb provides digital products to their customers, aiming specifically to solve business challenges, and helping them transform their companies by including a diverse range of digital tools.

Sponsor Lanyard


Diversity Sponsors


Now it is your turn

Contribute, do your part and be fundamental to the growth of the PHP market in Brazil and make his brand be remembered as who made the Darkmira Tour PHP be what it is.

Follow us and share with #DarkmiraTour